PT PELNI - PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) found it difficult to compete with only 8 boats from PEPUSKA as a beginning. So, Export Import Indonesia Bank lending funds for
PELNI to bought 45 coasters from Western Europe. As the company wait for those coasters arrival,
PELNI rented some overseas flag ships. This procedure was taken to fulfill empty route inherit from KPM. After that one by one the rented ships was replaced by the coasters and some of them also fulfilled by the Japanese boats taken from war action.
To provide the capital to further its growth,
PT PELNI changed their status from public into Government Company in 1961 based on Lembaran Negara RI No. LN 1961. In 1975, the Company changed its status again into a Private Company based on Akte Pendirian No. 31 dated October 30
th, 1975. This history is written on Berita Negara RI No. 562-1976 and addendum No. 60 dated June 27
th, 1976.
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia - PELNI, opening career opportunities for candidates with high integrity, hard working, and competent to join and work:
General Requirements
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
- Physically and mentally healthy, and not color blind
- Not married
- Maximum age 28 years old (as of 12 January 2013)
- Min GPA:
- 2.5 (scale of 4) for Accredited A.
- 2.75 (scale of 4) for Accredited B
- Attach a letter from your doctor Healthy Original Specification
- Have good English skills (active)
- Willing to work in all areas of PT Pelni (Persero)
for detailed information & apply please click here
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT PELNI (Persero)