Kemendag - Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia
or The Ministry of Trade of The Republic of Indonesia is a government
ministry in Indonesia which oversees the trade affairs of Indonesia. The
Ministry was formerly known as Departemen Perdagangan (Depdag) or the
Department of Trade. The Ministry is based in Jakarta and headquartered
in Jl MI Ridwan Rais No 5, Central Jakarta 10110. The Ministry of Trade
of The Republic of Indonesia is headed by a Minister of Trade and since
19 October 2011 held by Gita Wirjawan. The Minister is assisted by 5
directorate generals and 2 agency, namely Directorate General of
Domestic Trade, Directorate General of Standardization and Consumer
Protection, Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Directorate General of
International Trade Cooperation, Directorate General of National Export
Development, Commodity of Futures Trading Regulatory Agency, Trade
Policy Analysis and Development Agency.
Kemendag Republik Indonesia
open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high
integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as:
Placement : Jakarta
Placement : Bandung

For further information about jobs requirements and how to apply in each
positions above, please refer apply from Kementerian Perdagangan on
following link below. Registration by online through (14 - 18 September 2013). All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.